It’s Not About Running

Not about running. I will not write about running. Although most ideas come to mind while running (possibly before or after running), I will try not to write about it ;)I would like to talk about sports topics, lajfstajlowe (lifestyle!), but not write exclusively about running. Well, maybe sometimes 😉

Who am I? Run… a coach, maybe even an athlete, an entrepreneur, a man with blood and bones, and now probably already a blogger.

So I’ve already figured out that I’ll run this blog, I’ll give you valuable content and I don’t expect anything in return. You can (!) also copy content from this page, insert on a fanpage, pages, emails, insta, books 😛 but provided: you provide a source/link on your website/other medium and write me about it.

Feel good to read and contact us by comments or on the fanpage and other places!

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